Absolutely, dogs can have some Cheerios but in moderate amounts and there should not be flavor on them at all. It may sound like I am being a buzzkill, but follow me.
While they contain fiber due to being made from oats, they have very little of the proteins, healthy fats, and other nutrients that dogs need in their diet.
Is Cheerios a Safe Treat for Dogs?
You are in the clear when it comes to plain cheerios, so as long as you pay attention to:
Sugar Content: For instance, Honey Nut Cheerios and other varieties always have sugars, which can contribute to weight gain, dental issues, and other health problems, if your pup eats them in excess
Choking: Cheerios are dry and small, so if your pup carelessly stuffs himself then he could easily get these stuck in his throat. So just keep an eye on how they eat this treat, and see that they chew it good
Digestive Problems: The treats are low In fiber and can be hard for your dogs to digest properly. What’s more, the high carbs will not help dogs with diabetes either.
What are the better alternatives to cheerios for your dog
I’d always say it’s better to be safe than sorry, so if you want to rid yourself of concerns during your pooch snack time, go for these instead:
Fruits and Veggies: Carrots, apples, bananas, blueberries, and green beans are low-calorie treats that provide vitamins and minerals for your pup
Lean proteins that are cooked: Offer your pup small pieces of cooked chicken, turkey, or fish, as it is tasty and packed with protein for them
Commercial cookies for dogs: When shopping, always look for healthy treats made with whole foods and no preservatives for your pup
Make it at Home: You can make healthy and delicious treats for your dog using ingredients like oats, pumpkin, peanut butter, and yogurt.
Which cheerios can be offered to your dog?
There’s a clause to this, don’t worry I’ll list the cheerios your dog can and can not eat.
Regular Cheerios – These guys are safe for them but you still gotta do it in moderation.
Honey Nut Cheerios — This is a big no-no because of its sugar content. I’d strongly advise you to keep your pup away from it to avoid emergency vet visits.
All Other Flavored Versions Of Cheerios: NONE of the other versions out there are good for your pup, they are just like honey nut, so, stick to the plain one
Are cheerios safe for dogs with health Problems?
I get it, you want to make them feel better so cheerios may seem like a good idea but I’d strongly advise against it. If your dog is suffering from diabetes, cancer, or kidney ailments then please keep him away from this treat. Just ask your vet what treat is best with them and their ongoing condition.
Final words
So, in summary, plain cheerios are the acceptable treat option for your pup but you must still moderate them. To save yourself the headache, choose healthier alternatives and always ask your vet to make sure that you are giving him what he really needs.
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