Author: Blessing Otoro

Blessing Otoro is a certified canine nutritionist with over 4 years of experience in helping dogs live healthy through well-planned diets. Blessing started her journey from the lovely companionship she shared with Sophie, her gorgeous pup and the desire to know the science behind her nutritional needs.

Yes, dogs can eat black pudding, but I’d advise you to give them in small amounts and not too often. What Are The Nutritional Benefits of Black Pudding to Dogs? When you give your dog small amounts of black pudding, there are certain benefits they stand to gain. It includes: What are the Risks of giving my dog black pudding? On the other hand, when you allow your dog to indulge too much in this meal, it becomes quite risky, since the pudding contains: Note: Comparing the benefits and the risks, shows that the latter far outweighs the former. So,…

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No. I’d certainly not recommend prawn crackers for your dog I know it can be hard to resist sharing your snacks with your pup, but prawn crackers aren’t the best choice or dare  I say the healthiest choice for them. These snacks are packed with salt, fat, and other additives that can mess with your dog’s digestion. I know you may say “How about a small piece?”. Sure, it won’t hurt them, but where’s the joy in feeding your dog a snack that offers no nutritional value?  What Are The Risks of Giving My Dog Prawn Crackers? Too much salt: …

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Yes sure, dogs can eat swede. Here’s why, I’d recommend Swede for your pup: This veggie is packed with lots of benefits from vitamins C to potassium and fiber and these nutrients can support your dog’s immune system, digestion, and overall health. Plus since it has low calories, it can be a great alternative to treats with high-fat content, especially for dogs who need to watch their weight. What are the Safety Considerations? Inasmuch, as I recommend these veggies there are certain things you must consider before you give your dog swede. Let’s take a look at them: What exactly…

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Yes sure, dogs can eat parsnips. These root veggies are safe and can even be an excellent addition to their diet as long as you don’t go overboard with them. Overview Your first time with parsnips? Don’t worry I’ve got you. In this guide, you’ll learn: What are the Benefits of Parsnips for Dogs Here’s a look at all the wonderful benefits your dog stands to gain when you give them parsnips: Nutritional Value: Parsnips are packed with good stuff like vitamins C and B6, which help keep your dog’s immune system strong and energy levels up. They also have…

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When it comes to feeding our dogs, it’s important to know what’s safe and what could harm them. While rice is a staple in many households and commonly used in dog food, the question of whether dogs can eat uncooked rice often arises, is it safe or are there risks involved? In this guide, we will look at the facts,  debunk myths, and suggest healthier alternatives for your pup. Rest assured, by the end of this read, you’ll have a clear understanding of what’s best for your dog’s diet. What is Uncooked Rice? Uncooked rice is simply rice that hasn’t…

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Yes absolutely, dogs can enjoy prawns in moderation and when you cook it well.  What Are The Health Benefits of Prawns?  What are the risks involved in feeding your dogs prawns?  How to prepare prawns safely for your dogs  Trust me, preparing prawns well is very important to prevent your dog from choking or having any digestive problems. Here are the steps for safe prawn preparation: Cooking: Always feed your dog cooked prawns. Raw prawns can contain harmful bacteria. Peeling and deveining: Remove the shell, tail, and legs completely. The shell can choke them and cause intestinal blockages. Devein the…

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Yes absolutely, dogs enjoy this treat too. But be careful, you’ve got to give them in moderation. Digging Deeper: Safe Consumption and Potential Risks Before you go ahead and feed your pup sweet corn there are certain things you should take note of; safe consumption and potential risks. Let me explain better: Nutritional Breakdown You see sweetcorn offers nutritional benefits only if you feed them in small amounts to your dog. They are rich in fiber, which helps in indigestion and regular bowel movement. The kernel itself is filled with Vitamin B and C which is good for your dog’s…

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Soups will make a nice treat for your pooch as long as you use the right ingredients.  Some soup ingredients can be nasty to your dogs while others are safe. I’ll give you an example. Safe Ingredients for Dogs in Soup Dog-friendly broths: Lean meats: Cooked vegetables: On the flip side, these are the soups/ingredients your dogs should not come close to: Other ingredients to avoid: Tips for preparing and feeding soups to your dogs Preparation: How to cool soups for your dogs How to gradually introduce soups to your dogs Alternatives to soups for dogs If you don’t want…

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Yes, dogs can eat strawberry yogurt if you practice moderation.  Plain yogurt is safe for dogs and provides probiotic benefits. Don’t get worked up, the addition of strawberries is not harmful, as they are not dangerous to dogs. However, whenever you’re shopping at the store, go for yogurt without artificial sweeteners, especially xylitol. Also, some dogs may be lactose intolerant, so introduce the treat slowly and watch for any stomach upsets or digestive issues. Helpful Tips For Feeding Your Dogs  Strawberry Yogurt  There are certain things you must consider before giving your dog this treat. They include: Lactose Intolerance Many…

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Yes sure, your dog can enjoy navy beans in moderation. It is safe but there are certain things you should consider: This meal contains compounds called lectins and in raw or undercooked beans the level of lectins is higher. Now this high level of lectins can interfere with how your dog absorbs nutrients and also cause digestive issues. However, with good preparation (cooking) you can destroy most of the lectins and make them safer for your pup. That said, when you feed this to your pet in small amounts as an occasional treat, you’ve got no worries. When you want…

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Yes, sure they can enjoy edamame, especially the ones still in their pods. These immature soybeans can be an occasional treat when you properly prepare them and give them slowly to your pups. Plus they are a good source of fiber, protein, and some vitamins and minerals. Is Edamame Safe for Dogs? (The Answer) Wondering if these pods are safe for your dogs? I’ll give you an honest answer, Yes, but with limitations. Let me explain; you see  edamame are immature soybeans that are rich in protein and fiber while these nutritional value is quite beneficial to your pup, I…

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There’s a clause to my answer. If the jelly is plain with no added sugar, then yes, your pup can enjoy it in moderation, but if it is the sweetened type, you’d have to keep it far from your pup. This sweet, gelatinous spread is made from fruit, juice, sugar, and pectin. However, some may contain other ingredients like artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives, that’s why I’d not recommend it to your pup. Is Jelly Safe for Dogs? As mentioned earlier, plain jelly is safe for your pup to enjoy in moderation of course. Here’s why I’d advise moderation, the…

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