Author: Blessing Otoro

Blessing Otoro is a certified canine nutritionist with over 4 years of experience in helping dogs live healthy through well-planned diets. Blessing started her journey from the lovely companionship she shared with Sophie, her gorgeous pup and the desire to know the science behind her nutritional needs.

No, I wouldn’t recommend pastrami for your pup. Although the meal is a popular deli meat that is made from beef, usually from the brisket or round, it is seasoned with different spices that may be problematic for your dog.I’m talking of spices like garlic, coriander, black pepper, paprika, cloves, allspice, and mustard seed. Is Pastrami Safe For Dogs? I believe my lack of recommendation answers your question perfectly. But if you want more assurances, then No it is not safe. Most of the spices contain high sodium and fat content, which can be quite harmful to your pet. Just…

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No please, do not in any circumstance give your dog Brie cheese. For those of us coming across the word for the first time, this cheese is made from cow’s milk and it is not healthy because of its high fat content. That’s not all, some dogs also struggle to digest lactose, the natural sugar found in dairy products like Brie and this may end up causing problems for them. Furthermore, I’ve discovered that Brie is more prone to mold growth, and taking food with mold can be harmful to your pup. My advice? Keep your pup away from Brie…

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Trust me, I was in your shoes while researching the same question “Can dogs eat feta cheese?” Here’s what I found out; the cheese itself is not toxic but you should practice moderation when offering it to your pup. So yes, but with conditions.  What is the Nutritional Content of Feta Cheese? Just like every dairy product, feta cheese offers certain nutritional value for your pup when you give it in moderation. Here’s a look at them:  Pros: Note: When you give your dogs too much feta cheese, be prepared to experience some issues. Here’s a look at the cons…

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Yes, sure, your pup can enjoy sauerkraut but only when you feed them moderately. This veggie is a great source of fiber, vitamins C, and K, and other beneficial probiotics. Now your dog can get the best of both worlds; enjoying his veggies and the nutritional benefits that comes with it, only when you practice moderation. What is Sauerkraut? If you’re just coming across it for the first time, don’t worry, it’s just a finely shredded cabbage that is fermented by lactic acid bacteria. The fermentation process involves the following steps: Now the end result is a tangy, probiotic-rich veggie…

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Yeah, sure thing. Dogs can eat mackerel. Mackerel is a highly nutritious fish that provides a lot of health benefits for them. This protein-packed meal is also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals which is great for the general well-being of your pup.  Safety first While mackerel is generally safe for dogs, you should avoid certain types. For instance, smoked mackerel and mackerel canned in brine contain lots of sodium which is harmful to dogs. That’s not all, the bones and skin can choke your pup or cause digestive problems when they eat it. What is…

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Well, that depends on the herb. I believe the real question should be “What herbs can my dogs eat?”  Knowing the answer to this is very helpful because certain herbs offer calming effects, boost immunity, and help with digestion. Additionally, you can use them as natural flavors when preparing treats or meals for your dogs.  But then, not all herbs are good for your pets and, even for those that are, knowing the ideal quantity is key. Let’s dig deeper by starting with what herbs are toxic to your pets.  What Herbs Are Toxic to Dogs? Nutmeg: This aromatic spice…

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No, I’d strongly not recommend pepperoni pizza for your pup. Because of their smaller bodies, this pizza is too high in fat, salt, and spices which can cause digestive problems, pancreatitis, and other health problems too. That’s not all, the high sodium content can also cause excessive thirst, sodium ion poisoning and may damage their kidneys if they eat it in large amounts. Facts About Why Pepperoni Pizza Is Bad for Dogs So, why should dogs not eat pepperoni? High-Fat Content: Pepperoni is a high-fat processed meat and this kind of fatty content can cause serious problems for your pup.…

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No, dogs should not eat pork bones. While they provide some nutritional benefits and of course mental stimulation for dogs,  they are still risky because they splinter and cause serious problems for them.  Why Are Some Bones Off-limits for Dogs?  There are certain reasons why I’d tell you to stay off some kinds of bones because they pose more harm than good. For instance, pork bones are brittle and splinter into sharp pieces when your dog chews them. Now this does two things, it’s either your dog suffers from choking or the bones cause obstructions in their digestive system.  Also,…

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As delicious as this treat is, I wouldn’t advise you to give your dogs donuts. The ingredients used in making this snack make it hard to even consider it a snack option. I’m talking about the sugar, dairy products, and oil that are harmful to your pet. Don’t worry, as you keep reading you’ll discover why donuts are a big no-no for your pet.  Why Are Donuts Bad for Dogs As stated earlier they contain many ingredients that are harmful to your pet, but that’s not all, some varieties are topped with chocolate, and extra sugar that can cause you…

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I’d strongly not recommend pepperoni for your pup, it is unhealthy due to the high fat, salt, and spices content. This is me just putting it lightly, but in actual sense, pepperoni can give your dog pancreatitis, obesity issues, and all sorts of digestive problems. This is why I strongly advise against it, but my advice is not limited to pepperoni, it includes other processed meat. But I feel your pain here because you might think why on earth shouldn’t my dog have this tasty pepperoni? Well, fear not; this guide is for you. Is Pepperoni Unhealthy For Dogs? The…

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Yes sure, your pup can enjoy tuna, the key is moderation. Still, there are important things you need to consider before you give your dog this fish. This is quite important because tuna carries some risks despite the nutritional benefits it offers.  What Are The Benefits of Giving My Dog Tuna?   Before we discuss the risks of tuna, let’s dwell on the good stuff first; its benefits. So here’s a look at the benefits your pup stands to gain when you practice moderation:  Lean Protein Source: Tuna is an excellent source of lean protein and this is important for your…

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Ah, the age-long question “Can dogs eat crisps?” Try as I might to not be a buzzkill, I have no choice but to tell you the truth. I’d strongly not recommend crisps for your pup.  Why are Crisps Bad For My Dog?  I’m sure after reading the first three lines of this post, you were itching to ask “Why are crisps bad?”. Don’t worry I’m here to enlighten you. You see this popular snack is a big no-no for your pup for a lot of reasons, let’s look at them shall we? High Fat and Sodium Content: After my research,…

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