The tasty crunchiness of these treats makes us want our furry buddies to share in the experience. Sadly, you will need to keep them far away from chips.
Here’s the gist; chips are high in fat and contain harmful ingredients that are not healthy for your pup’s well-being. It’s one of those foods that stares right at you and says “Hey I’m harmless” but trust me, you’d avoid a lot of Vet visits when you don’t fall for it.

How Junk Food Can Harm Your Dog
Remember what I said about chips looking harmless? Oh, the deceit! These treats are the ultimate junk food for us, how much more for our pups? Chips and Pizza are high in fat and pose more harm than good for our pet’s health.
In fact, when you give your dog junk food, it leads to issues ranging from mild discomfort to severe complications. Here is a look at the ingredients in chips that make it a no-no for your dog.
Sodium: Chips are very salty which means they are high in sodium and this is extremely dangerous for your dog. Their small bodies are not equipped to handle large amounts of salt and this can lead to sodium ion poisoning. This condition can cause excessive thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and even seizures or coma in severe cases. So in simple words, the effect of this poisoning is definitely life-threatening.
Calories and Fat: Remember the fat I mentioned earlier? Yeah, let me explain better now. The chips we eat are deep-fried in oil making it filled with calories and unhealthy fat. This can contribute to obesity and digestive problems in your dog. Just like us, our pups can suffer from weight issues too like joint stress, reduced mobility, and an increased risk of diabetes or even heart problems.
Other Ingredients: We can’t deny that there are a lot of varieties out there, and they may contain ingredients that are harmful or even toxic to your pet. Let’s take the onion flavoring for instance, they taste nice, yes but they are not for your pup. They can cause anemia and even digestive problems for your pup.
What happens if your dog eats chips?
If your dog accidentally consumes a few chips, the effects may vary depending on the amount they ingest and the size of your dog. Here’s what you can expect:
Mild digestive upset: A small number of chips may cause mild digestive discomfort, such as gas, bloating, or loose stools. This is because chips are high in fat and salt, which can be difficult for dogs to digest.
Dehydration and excessive thirst: The high salt content in chips can lead to increased thirst and urination as the body tries to expel the excess sodium.
Vomiting and diarrhea: Eating too many chips may cause vomiting and diarrhea, especially if your dog is sensitive to fatty or salty foods.
Pancreatitis: The fatty content in chips can also trigger pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas, which is painful and requires immediate vet treatment.
Salt poisoning: If your dog eats a lot of chips, it could lead to salt poisoning. This condition can cause symptoms like excessive thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, incoordination, tremors, and even seizures or coma in severe cases.
Can a dog survive salt poisoning?
While salt poisoning can be life-threatening for dogs, survival is possible with prompt medical intervention. The severity of the situation and chances of recovery depend on the amount of salt they ingest and how quickly you took them to the Vet for treatment. If they are attended to promptly and administered fluid therapy or electrolyte monitoring, they will recover. However, severe cases involving neurological symptoms or prolonged vomiting may have a poorer prognosis.
Why is salt poisoning dangerous to dogs?
Dogs process salt differently than us due to their smaller size and unique physiology. Their bodies are not designed to handle large amounts of sodium, and too much ingestion of salt can quickly lead to an electrolyte imbalance. This imbalance can cause water to shift from the bloodstream into the cells, leading to swelling in the brain and other vital organs.
Can dogs eat potato chips?
No. Please keep your pup away from any type of chips. They are full of fat, salt, and lots of unhealthy stuff that can make your dog sick.
What about plain potatoes?
While potato chips are unhealthy, plain potatoes can be a better option. They provide nutritional benefits like Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and potassium.
Other healthier alternatives
Instead of feeding your dog chips or other salty, snacks, try your hands on these alternatives:
- Fruits and vegetables: Many fruits and veggies can be excellent low-calorie treats for your dog. So go for options like carrots, apples, bananas, blueberries, and green beans. However, make sure you introduce these foods gradually to avoid digestive upset.
- Homemade dog treats: You can also prepare healthy treats for your dog at home using ingredients like whole-wheat flour, oats, peanut butter, and dog-friendly fruits or vegetables. Homemade treats allow you to control the ingredients and tailor them to your dog’s needs.
Commercially available dog treats: When we mention safe options, high-quality, commercially available dog treats is also a convenient option to consider. So the next time you go shopping, look for treats made with wholesome ingredients and limited additives.
Can dogs eat corn chips?
No, do not give your dogs corn chips. If your dog accidentally eats a few corn chips, it likely won’t cause any harm. However, avoid giving them corn chips altogether.
Can dogs eat corn chips raw?
No, dogs should not eat raw corn chips. Corn chips are often fried and coated with salt, seasonings, and other flavorings that are harmful to them.
Can dogs eat plantain chips?
No, it is not safe for them to consume. They contain high levels of salt, fat, and additives or preservatives that will cause problems for them.
Can dogs have Fritos chips?
No, dogs should not eat Fritos chips. Fritos are still corn chips that are not safe for dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Tortilla Chips?
No. Keep your pups away from tortilla chips. Although the plain ones may be less harmful than the ones with variety, they are still high in fat and not safe for your dog to consume.
Can my dog eat Doritos?
No, dogs should not eat Doritos. Doritos are highly processed chips that contain high levels of salt, fat, and other artificial flavorings that are harmful to dogs.
Can my dog eat Cheetos?
No. You should not feed your dogs Cheetos. They are puffed corn snacks that are high in salt, fat, and artificial flavorings, which can be problematic for your pup.
Can my dog eat Pringles?
No, I’d advise you not to feed your dog Pringles. These Pringles are potato chips that are high in salt, and fat, and often contain artificial flavorings which can cause digestive upset, dehydration, and other health issues in your pup.
Can dogs eat banana chips?
Yes, sure. Dogs can enjoy banana chips as an occasional treat, but make sure they’re plain without added sugars or salt.
As we’ve discussed, feeding chips or other salty, high-fat human snacks to your dog can pose serious risks to their health.
We need to remember that dogs’ nutritional needs are different from ours, and what may seem like a harmless treat can have serious effects on them. However, instead of chips, give them healthier alternatives such as veggies, fruits like apples or bananas, or commercially prepared dog treats that are specially made for them.
If you have concerns about your dog’s diet or are unsure about what treats are safe, please consult with your veterinarian. They can provide guidance and diet recommendations based on your dog’s breed, age, size, and overall health to ensure they receive the proper nutrition and avoid health complications.
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