Yes, dogs can enjoy elk antlers as chews only as recommended by most veterinarians. However, your job as a parent is to supervise them while they are chewing it, especially if they have dental issues or are too enthusiastic.

Are Elk Antlers Safe for Dogs?
Technically it goes both ways, they can be safe when you supervise how they chew it. But in cases, where they chew without supervision, there are certain risks you need to watch out for:
- Broken teeth from the antler’s hardness
- Mouth/gum injuries from sharp antler edges
- Intestinal blockages if they swallow the pieces
- Choking from small antler fragments
- Contamination from chemicals used in processing too
Can Dogs Chew Elk Antlers Safely?
In this section, I’ll break it into two parts. Firstly, I’ll show you the risks of giving them without supervision.
Secondly, I’ll show you steps to take to ensure your dog enjoys this treat without suffering any consequences. Let’s dive in:
Risks of Giving Eak Antlers to Your Pup Without Supervision
Choking: As dogs chew on elk antlers, small pieces or shards can break off, which can choke them especially if they swallow it. These fragments can easily become lodged in the throat, windpipe, or esophagus, obstructing the airway and leading to life-threatening situations if you do not address them promptly.
Dental Damage: Elk antlers are dense and hard, which means they can easily cause dental damage to dogs’ teeth. Of course, you know, how dogs chew bone, and that aggressive chewing can result in cracked, chipped, or even broken teeth, leading to pain, infection, and costly veterinary dental procedures. That’s not all, there are also cases where your dog may suffer slab fractures(a large portion of the teeth break away). All these and many more are reasons you should supervise your pet closely while they enjoy their chews.
Gastrointestinal (GI) Obstruction: If your dog bites off and swallows large pieces of antler, it can block their intestines. This is particularly painful for your pet, and they may need surgery to remove the obstruction. This of course is risky and will create a huge hole in your pocket. So what’s safer? I bet you know the answer by now.
Helpful Tips to Give Your Dog Elk Antler Safely
If you do choose to give your dog an antler, you should:
- Avoid low-grade elk antler chews, as they may contain contaminants or are more prone to splintering.
- Choose a premium grade A elk antler, which is less likely to splinter and is safe for them to chew.
- Supervise your pet during chewing sessions. Be also prepared to remove the antler if it starts to break apart or becomes a problem.
- Remove the sharp edges by rubbing them against concrete or sandpaper before you give your dog to reduce the risk of mouth injuries.
Benefits of Your Dog Chewing Elk Antler
While elk antler comes with risks, they are also quite beneficial and this makes them appealing to some pet owners. Here’s a look at the benefits this chews offer:
Natural Material: Elk antlers are made from natural stuff. It makes it the perfect chew for your pup especially if you want chews free from synthetic materials or harmful chemicals.
Long-Lasting: The hard nature of antlers makes them last much longer than other chew treats. This of course is a cost-effective option for you, if your pup is a heavy chewer.
Dental Benefits: Just like it poses dental risks if you do not supervise them, it also has dental benefits when you do. It’s a two-way street, of course, I’d advise you to always take the high road. The act of chewing on a hard surface can remove plaque, tartar buildup and promote better dental hygiene for your pet.
Alternatives to Antlers for Dogs
Given the risks associated with chewing elk antlers, there are other safer alternatives that you can consider for your dog’s chewing needs:
Rubber Chew Toys: This is made from durable, safe rubber, and it comes in different shapes, sizes, and textures. These toys are safe for chewing and less likely to cause dental damage or digestive problems.
Bully Sticks: These are long-lasting chews made from dried bull pizzles (penises). They are very easy to digest and less likely to splinter or cause obstructions.
Dried Chews: Dried sweet potatoes, yams, and vegetables can also provide a safe and enjoyable chewing experience for your pet.
Edible Dental Chews: These dental chews are made from ingredients like vegetable-based starches or enzymes. They can help clean your dog’s teeth while also satisfying the urge to chew.
Partner with Your Vet
When it comes to choosing appropriate chew toys and treats for your dog, it’s important to partner with your veterinarian. They have the expertise to recommend safe options based on your dog’s needs, age, breed, chewing habits, and dental health.
Before you introduce any chew treat to your dog, explain your dog’s chewing behavior and any concerns you have to your vet. They can assess your pet’s dental condition, and identify any issues like aggressive chewing or weak teeth.
It’s their job, so trust them when they steer you away from choices that pose harm to your dog’s health.
The Bottom Line
Elk antlers pose a lot of risks when you use them as dog chews and do not supervise their chewing sessions. Although some pet owners are drawn to their appeal, the dangers of using elk antlers as chews without your presence outweigh any benefits.
However, the best approach is to consult with your veterinarian. They will check your dog’s chewing habits, dental health, and recommend the most appropriate and safe chew treats for them. Their guidance can help you make an informed decision that keeps your dog happy, and out of harm’s way.
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