Yes, dogs can eat lentils but the trick is to keep things in moderation. To make things easy to balance, think of lentils as a treat and not a main course for your pup. You should also cook it plain without adding sauce or seasoning.

Why Are Lentils Good for Dogs?
These are the major reasons lentils are good for your pets:
Low in Fat: Lentils are low in saturated fat which makes them a perfect treat if you’re watching your dog’s weight.
Nutrition: Lentils are rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals which makes them a healthy addition to your dog’s diet.
Good for Digestion and Excretion: The high fiber content in lentils helps make it easy for your dogs to absorb the nutrients in them and move waste products through their colon.
Things to Watch Out For
- Gas and Bloating: This is the side effect of the rich complex carb and fiber content in lentils and if your dog feeds too much and too quickly on them, they will be bloated.
- Allergies: Some dogs are allergic to lentils and the giveaways are vomiting, diarrhea, and skin irritation.
- Choking: If you fail to cook lentils properly, your dogs can choke on them, especially if they’re small or tend to gulp their food. To prevent this, cook the lentils properly and ensure they’re soft enough before you feed your pets.
How to Safely Feed Lentils to Your Dog
Cook them thoroughly: Cook lentils until they are super soft and mushy. One hack I recommend to reduce bloating in your dogs is soaking them in water for several hours or overnight.
Consult your vet: First things first, always check with your vet before adding something new to your dog’s diet because they know what’s best for them.
Serving Tips
Here are some tips for serving lentils to your dog while practicing portion control:
Portion Control: Remember that lentils shouldn’t make up more than 10-15% of your dog’s daily calorie intake. If you need recommendations based on your dog’s size, age, and activity level, talk to your vet. When you start feeding them with lentils, remember to watch for digestive issues such as gas or loose stools.
Mix them with your dog’s regular food: Start small by adding 1-2 tablespoons of lentils to your dog’s regular meal. For small dogs, stick to 1-2 teaspoons. However, If you’ve got an average-sized dog, you can slowly increase the amount over time, up to a quarter cup per meal. One more thing, don’t forget to properly mix the lentils with their regular food.
Small treats: You can also serve the cooked lentils as small treats. If you’ve got a tiny dog, I recommend giving them a few lentils at a time, and if they are large, limit it to 1-2 tablespoons per day.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can dogs eat different types of lentils?
Of course, they can. Dogs can eat red, green, brown, and black lentils. But to play it safe, introduce your dogs to one lentil at a time and observe how they react to it because some of them may be sensitive to certain types.
Are chips or soup safe for your dogs?
Chips or soup aren’t safe for your furry buddies. I recommend sticking to plain, cooked lentils without anything else.
Can lentils cause allergies or health problems for your dogs?
Well, it depends. Some dogs may love lentils while others may turn their nose up at the scent of them and a few may even be allergic. If you notice after-effects like vomiting, diarrhea, or itching, I advise that you stop feeding your dogs lentils and see a vet.
Final Words
Lentils can be a healthy and safe treat for your dog as long as you prepare them properly and serve them in moderation. However, they should just be treats and not replace the balanced diet your dog regularly eats. And remember to check with your vet first to make sure that lentils are okay for your pet(s).
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