Ordinarily, I would just say yes and leave it at that, but with dogs, there’s always a catch. So let me rephrase – yes, your dogs can eat scallops as you prepare them the right way and feed them moderately.

Are Scallops Safe for My Dogs?
Well, scallops are a safe and nutritious treat for your dogs as long as you stick to the rulebook. I mean, think about what they give your pets – lean protein and minerals like omega-3 fatty acids as well as selenium. This translates to various health benefits for your pooch.
There’s a but though because consuming scallops comes with certain risks for your dogs including:
Bacteria, parasites, and shellfish poisoning: While cooked scallops is a treat from heaven, the raw or undercooked version is the stark opposite. That’s because they contain pesky disease-causing microbes like salmonella and parasites like roundworms. They could also be contaminated with algae which can induce shellfish poisoning in your dogs. For this reason, I suggest that you buy raw scallops from a reputable supplier and cook them properly.
Digestive upset: Now, the thing is scallops are high in protein. I know that sounds like a good thing and it is, but if your dog overfeeds on them or is sensitive to the treat, best believe they will suffer from vomiting or diarrhea. If you don’t want that to happen, I advise you to gradually introduce your pet to scallops starting in small quantities. This way, you won’t overwhelm their digestive system.
What are the Benefits of Scallops for My Dogs
I’ll admit – it’s not exactly a long list, but it doesn’t need to be because the few benefits are important enough. These are the nutrients your dog will gain from consuming scallops:
Potassium: Protein is not all that there’s to it for scallops as it also contains potassium, a mineral that maintains muscle and nerve function, and regulates fluid balance and healthy blood pressure levels.
Protein: As I mentioned earlier, scallops are rich in protein and not just any sort, but the best type – lean protein. So some scallops as a treat from time to time will help in building and repairing your dog’s muscles and also support their immune system.
What are the risks of feeding scallops to my dogs?
Scallops can be dangerous to your dogs if they feed on them in certain states. What am I talking about? Let’s see:
- Raw Scallops: You already know why raw scallops are a bad idea, so I won’t say much here to avoid sounding like a broken record. Just know that food poisoning is one of many things that will happen to your pooch if they feed on raw scallops.
- Shell Fragments: For the love of God, never feed your dogs scallop shells unless you want front-row seats to a choking episode. And this is more likely to happen if you didn’t remove the shells properly or your dog manages to break off and swallow sharp fragments in the process. From then on, it’s all downhill – I’m talking about internal injuries like lacerations and even obstructions in the digestive tract.
How to feed scallops to your dog
I’m a big believer of whatever is worth doing is worth doing well and this should apply to how to feed scallops to your dogs. Here are some tips that will be useful for you:
Start with a small amount and monitor
Baby steps here – introduce a tiny amount of scallops to your pet’s diet and as they eat, watch them closely. If you observe any signs of digestive upset, it means one of two things – they’re either intolerant or allergic. If that’s the case, let it be the last time you feed them scallops. Conversely, if they handle it well, you can gradually increase the portion you feed them over time.
Cook the scallops
If you must feed scallops to your dogs, you have to cook it thoroughly, no shortcuts. I recommend any of these – steaming, baking, or boiling. If you love frying things or adding seasonings/sauces, you’ll have to refrain from that here. When you cook these delicious treats at a high temperature, they will kill any bacteria, toxins, or parasites present.
Chop them into small pieces
Don’t feed whole scallops to your dogs, it can make them choke, especially if they’re small or they’re the type that likes to gulp without much chewing. Ensure you chop or break it into smaller pieces before feeding it to them.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can My Dogs Eat Raw Scallops?
No, that’s an invitation to disaster. You have to cook it properly using the boiling, baking, or steaming method to get rid of the harmful microorganisms or toxins in it.
Can My Puppies Eat Scallops?
I wouldn’t dream of it if I were you. Puppies have a sensitive stomach and this makes them more prone to digestive issues when they try new foods.
Can My Dogs Eat Cooked Scallops Cooked?
Now, you’re talking. You should only feed your dogs cooked scallops and please, don’t add seasonings, oils, or sauces to them – they could be harmful to your dogs.
How Much Scallops is Good for My Dog?
Well, this comes down to your dog’s size, age, and overall diet. Since it’s an occasional treat, a few small pieces of cooked scallops are ideal for most dogs.
In summary, scallops can be your pet’s best friend or worst enemy depending on how you prepare, cook, and serve it to them. Remember to cook them properly, feed them moderately, and remove any shell fragments in them. If you can do these, you’re golden. If there’s any concern or question at the back of your mind, that’s a sign to give your vet a ring and get the best advice based on your dog’s needs, health condition, and dietary requirements.
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