In this respect, yes, your dogs can eat turkey gizzards, but only as an occasional treat. You also have to prepare it the correct way and feed your dogs the correct portion.

What Parts of Turkey Are Safe for My Dogs?
Turkey gizzards
Turkey Gizzards are totally safe as it’s the organ in birds that grinds seeds and contains many healthy nutrients. The gizzard is essentially in an always active state, so dogs not only get these complementary proteins and iron but also the numerous associated benefits. The protein builds and repairs muscles while the iron improves your blood circulation.
Other parts
But still, you can feed your pets with other parts of the turkey which is another delicious and healthy meal. I mean the cooked white and dark meat, heart, and liver, which provide A, B, iron, zinc, and other beneficial nutrients.
On the other hand, while they do offer some nutrition, too much can bring on stomach upset and numerous health issues you don’t want your pet to come down with. Well, better safe than sorry–more gizzards it is.
What parts of turkey pieces are harmful to my dog?
Turkey gizzards are perfectly safe for your dogs to eat but there are some other parts that you’ll be wise to avoid.
Skin: It’s best for your dogs to avoid eating turkey skin. Granted, this may seem enticing but believe me that skin is fat on steroids once it’s cooked and this can cause pancreatitis in your dogs.
Bones: To begin with, your dog should never consume turkey bones, be it raw or cooked. It might sound like a silly reason but that is because bones can easily break into sharp pieces which could lodge in your dog’s throat when they swallow it or do some very bad internal damage. When those things break down, you end up with full-blown health problems and it is really just not worth the gamble.
How to cook turkey gizzards for your dog
If you’re going to cook turkey gizzards for your pets, you’ve got to get it right for their sake.
- First off, whatever method you want to use – boiling, simmering, or baking, just make sure you cook the gizzards properly. The internal temperature should be at least 165°F if you want to get rid of microbes that can make your pup sick.
- After cooking the gizzard, let it cool for a while and then start chopping them into pea-sized pieces. Anything size bigger than that may be problematic for your pets, especially if they’re smaller breeds.
If you want to feed your pet turkey gizzard without problems, it’s important that you follow these steps. And remember, always keep an eye on them if they’re having it for the first time, and stop feeding them if they don’t react well to it.
How to serve your dog turkey gizzards
Here are some ways that you can serve turkey gizzards to your dogs:
As an occasional treat
The sturdy taste and crispy nature of turkey gizzards make them a top nutritional value treat for your dog. You can give them a few pieces to reward them for training or simply as special treats.
Mixed in with regular food
Another way to feed your dog turkey gizzards is by adding the cooked meat and some small pieces of it into their regular kibble or canned food as a meal topper. The added flavor and nutrients from the gizzard will spice up their regular food, but feed your pet sparingly, so they won’t gain weight.
How much turkey gizzards can I give my dog?
A good rule of thumb is that those gizzards should make up not more than 15% of your total daily calories. So for a 50-pound dog, they are only getting around 2-3 gizzards per day — and that is if these healthy treats make up their entire treat-toy system. If you’re dealing with a smaller dog, those ratios should get even lower.
And that, my friends (as usual) is the secret… all in moderation. Turkey gizzards are a healthy food source, but they’re also incredibly dense meat that will create some discomfort in your tummy if you consume too much of it. If you see any digestion issue–or worse, diarrhea–in the immediate aftermath of feeding chicken gizzards to dogs, you should either discontinue or lessen their intake.
And don’t be afraid to consult your vet on this one. They’ll be able to give you the scoop on the perfect portion size for your pup and, with a little guidance, you can make those gizzards a tasty and nutritious part of your dog’s diet.
Final words
Turkey gizzards are a super healthy and tasty treat for your dog, as long as you do it the right way. However, remember to cook them thoroughly, chop them into bite-sized pieces, and be careful of the portion sizes. Most importantly, give your vet a ring for advice on how to add turkey gizzards to your dog’s meals occasionally, and be sure to stop feeding your pet if you notice tummy troubles.
Read More: Can Dogs Eat Turkey Giblets?