Author: Blessing Otoro

Blessing Otoro is a certified canine nutritionist with over 4 years of experience in helping dogs live healthy through well-planned diets. Blessing started her journey from the lovely companionship she shared with Sophie, her gorgeous pup and the desire to know the science behind her nutritional needs.

Sure they can, but in small amounts. Although, you have to be careful due to the presence of certain components in these fruits  Okay to better explain what I mentioned above about the presence of certain components, stay with me. Mandarins have natural sugars, citric acids, and oils that can cause digestive issues for your dog if they eat too much of it. Also, the fiber content of this fruit can make them choke or block their intestines if they eat too much. Are Mandarins Safe for Dogs? To give you a clear understanding of how to feed this fruit without…

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Well, I’m not exactly a fan of feeding your dog bacons of any sort, even if it’s one as delicious as turkey bacon. However, as long as you can feed it to them plain, cooked, and in moderate amounts, it’s all good.  How Turkey Bacon is Made? For those who haven’t heard of this treat, turkey bacon is made from turkey flesh that has been cured, smoked, and cut into strips, giving it an uncanny resemblance to traditional bacon. But the interesting thing about this treat is it’s ideal for those who want their dogs to feed on leaner meat.…

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I want to point this out for the record – sausage is literally one of the worst meats for dogs. Why? I’m glad you asked. Sausage is high in fat, salty, and contains other ingredients that won’t agree with your dog’s stomach. So, it’s a no-go.  Why is Sausage Bad for Dogs? Here’s why you’ll get a resounding no every time you ask if it’s okay to feed your dog sausage: What should I do if my dog eats a sausage? First things first, observe your pet to see if they will show any symptoms. A small amount of plain…

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Of course, you can feed your dogs hamburgers, but… not so fast. Things to Consider Before Giving Your Dog Hamburgers But before you serve these delicious treats to your dogs, here are a few things that would be good for everyone to know: Plain meat: Meat is one of the malts that makes hamburgers, however since you are serving a puppy not an individual attempt to make sure there is no season in the meat. Serve this food straight up, for the safety of your furry friend. Avoid Dangerous Ingredients: Everyone knows that hamburgers are juicy and dogs usually love…

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Well, you can feed your dogs these veggies, but it has to be in small amounts because feeding your pets large quantities of paprika can induce diarrhea or vomiting. And not to say that paprika is toxic, far from it. However, its spicy nature can irritate your pet’s digestive system, so moderation is key. Potential Risks of Paprika for Dogs While paprika may not be toxic to dogs, there are potential risks that come with feeding it to them: Capsaicin Content: Some paprika varieties contain capsaicin, a compound responsible for the spicy heat in chili peppers. When your dog eats…

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No, dogs should not eat gingerbread. Here’s why: Gingerbread contains ingredients that are harmful to your pup like nutmeg which causes neurological issues and lots of ginger which gives them stomach upset. Not forgetting the high sugar content from ingredients like molasses which leads to weight gain, dental problems, and even pancreatitis. I know this is a lot to handle especially when you want to share the experience of enjoying this sweet treat but sadly it poses more harm than good. Don’t worry I’m here to explain in detail:  What Are the Risks of Feeding Your Dog Gingerbread As I…

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Well, yes, but not without considering some things. Let’s get to it.  When Are Collard Greens Okay for Dogs to Eat? Though collard greens are not toxic foods, I recommend following these guidelines for the safety of your pup: Health benefits of collard greens for dogs Collard greens provide several health benefits for your dogs when they consume it in moderation or as part of a balanced diet such as: When are collard greens bad for dogs? Although collard greens are a healthy addition to your dog’s diet, there are certain instances where they can be harmful: Safe consumption guidelines…

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You have to be joking, right? C’mon that stuff is a mix of meat and every trouble you can think of for dogs. That’s a big no from me. Why Raw Bacon is Bad for Dogs? Just in case you’re wondering why I’m dismissing raw bacon as a treat for your pooch, here’s why: What will happen if my dog eats raw bacon? I’ll tell you this for free – nothing good comes out of eating raw bacon although there’s a difference in their severity. Let’s take a look at the likely consequences based on how much your dog consumes:…

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Yes absolutely, dogs can eat nectarine but the key is moderation.   In my years of owning a dog and doing research on how to feed him, I’ve learned moderation makes things easy. When you feed your dog this treat in small amounts, you get the best of both worlds; the nutrients and no health risks. I’ll also advise you to prepare your nectarines well before giving them to your dog to save you the stress of running to your Vet.  What Makes Nectarines a Great Treat for Your Dog Like many fruits out there, nectarine can be a nutritious treat for…

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Well, this is interesting, isn’t it? A dog eating cat food is definitely a sight to see. Fortunately, dogs can eat cat food and get away with it. But there’s a catch – it won’t give them the nutrients they need.  Dogs eating cat food is a pretty common occurrence, especially if the cat’s food bowl is within their reach. Although I don’t endorse your dogs regularly feasting on it, an occasional munch here and there won’t hurt anyone.  How Safe is Cat Food for Dogs? Like I said before, if dogs eat small amounts of cat food on rare…

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I wouldn’t want to deny your dogs this delicious treat, so yes, you can feed chickpeas to your dogs. However, it should be in moderation. What are Chickpeas? Chickpeas, which are also known as garbanzo beans, are a type of legume from the plant species – Cicer arietinum. When you cook chickpeas, they have a buttery and nutty flavor as well as a firm texture. Chickpea is a staple ingredient in several Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Indian cuisines and is also an excellent source of protein, fiber, folate, iron, and phosphorus. Plus, there are several ways to eat it -…

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Are you kidding? That’s like asking me if dogs can munch on cold cuts. Thanks, but no thanks. Why is Lunch Meat Bad for My Dogs? Oh, I can think of a lot of reasons why lunch meat is a horrible treat: Are there any additional risks of lunch meat for dogs? You bet that there are. The mildest one is on a nutritional level and then there’s also the risk of choking thanks to the fat, casings, or tough pieces that could get stuck in their throats. What are the symptoms of lunch meat poisoning in dogs? If your…

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