No, I wouldn’t recommend pastrami for your pup. Although the meal is a popular deli meat that is made from beef, usually from the brisket or round, it is seasoned with different spices that may be problematic for your dog.I’m talking of spices like garlic, coriander, black pepper, paprika, cloves, allspice, and mustard seed.

Is Pastrami Safe For Dogs?
I believe my lack of recommendation answers your question perfectly. But if you want more assurances, then No it is not safe. Most of the spices contain high sodium and fat content, which can be quite harmful to your pet. Just so you know, excessive salt intake leads to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and even sodium ion poisoning. This is just for the salt, the high fat in pastrami can also make your dog gain unhealthy weight which can still cause more problems.
What should I do if my dog eats pastrami?
In the event that your dog mistakenly takes pastrami, please watch them closely for any signs of vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, decreased appetite, or any unusual behavior.
However, note that the severity of the reaction may depend on the amount of pastrami your dog consumed and his/her size. If your dog takes a small bite, then it is less likely to cause a serious problem than eating a large portion.
Whatever the case, still contact your vet for guidance and inform them about how much pastrami your dog ate and their size. They will advise you on the best course of action which may include monitoring them, bringing them in for examination, or providing supportive care if necessary.
As the popular adage says, prevention is better than cure, so keep pastrami and every other human food out of your dog’s reach, you can go for safer treats to keep your pet healthy and of course happy.
What are the healthy alternatives?
I mentioned giving your pup a safer treat, well if you’ve read till this section, you’re in luck because I’ll be mentioning cool healthy treats you can give your furry buddy other than pastrami.
Without further ado, here’s a look at them:
- Cooked lean meats: You can prepare small amounts of cooked chicken, beef, or turkey without spices as a special treat for your dog.
- Jerky treats formulated for dogs: When next you’re shopping, go for jerky treats that are low in sodium and free from other harmful ingredients for your pup.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables: Some dogs enjoy snacking on small pieces of carrots, green beans, apples, or blueberries, you can introduce this too to your pup and see if he loves it.
- Commercially prepared dog treats: There are treats that are specially made for dogs and have undergone quality measures, so you can go for them.
To sum up this guide, please do not feed your dog pastrami. But if in your absence your pup mistakenly eats it, contact your vet immediately. Remember to always stick to a balanced diet and treat specially made for them, your pup will thank you for it.
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