Yes, sure they can enjoy edamame, especially the ones still in their pods. These immature soybeans can be an occasional treat when you properly prepare them and give them slowly to your pups. Plus they are a good source of fiber, protein, and some vitamins and minerals.
Is Edamame Safe for Dogs? (The Answer)
Wondering if these pods are safe for your dogs? I’ll give you an honest answer, Yes, but with limitations. Let me explain; you see edamame are immature soybeans that are rich in protein and fiber while these nutritional value is quite beneficial to your pup, I do not recommend feeding them or replacing their diet with it for a few reasons:
- Choking: The pods around these soybeans are tough and can choke your dog, especially if you have a small dog.
- Digestive Issues: Remember the adage that says “ Too much of everything is bad?” Oh well, this applies to edamame too. If you let your dog overindulge in this treat, the high fiber content of these pods can cause gas, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Helpful Tips For Preparing and Serving Your Dogs Edamame
To make sure your dog enjoys this treat:
Shell the Edamame: When preparing it make sure you remove the pods completely. Trust me you can do away with them, especially if you don’t want a digestive or choking problem on your hands.
Cook It Well: You can either steam or boil your edamame, the bottom line is you cook it well. Also, don’t add any seasonings or oil while cooking.
Start Small: For every new treat you want to introduce to your pup, please always start small and watch for any digestive problems.
How Much Edamame is Safe for Dogs?
To help you be on the safe side, here are tips you need to give your dogs the appropriate amount:
While edamame can be an occasional treat for dogs, moderation is key. The appropriate amount depends on your dog’s size:
- General Rule: Aim for no more than 1 tablespoon of shelled, cooked edamame per 10 pounds of body weight.
- Small Dogs: Start with a very small amount for small dogs, let’s say a few peas once in a while to play things safe.
- Consult a Veterinarian: Always remember to talk to your Vet for recommendations based on your dog’s health and diet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can dogs eat Edamame pods? No, dogs should not eat edamame pods or shells. The pod makes them choke and it’s very difficult to digest due to its hard nature.
Can dogs eat edamame shells? No, they cannot. Just like the pods, the shells are hard and can block their intestines making stooling very different
Will edamame make my dog sick? Okay let me make it clear, the edamame itself will not make your dog sick if you prepare it well and feed it moderately. But if you let your dog eat too much of it and also consume the pod, then you’re at the risk of choking and gastrointestinal issues like gas, bloating, or diarrhea in dogs due to the high fiber content.
Final Thoughts
Edamames are one of those treats that are very nutritious only if offered once in a while and of course moderately. To avoid problems, I advise you to remove the pod completely, cook it well, and start with small amounts.
However, if you’re not sure of introducing this treat or your dog has an underlying health condition that may be worse if eats edamame, then go to your vet for advice.
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